Social Over Sales: Why We Need to Re-evaluate Social Media Marketing and Get Back to Balanced Strategies

It's no secret that social media platforms have become an essential part of marketing strategies. But at what cost? Are we losing sight of the true purpose of social media in our pursuit of sales? Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn have given businesses and marketers alike valuable channels to engage with potential customers through targeted and consistent approaches. But perhaps it's time to pause and reconsider the seemingly relentless focus on sales-driven tactics?

This week, we delve into the reasons why businesses and individuals should take a step back from using social media solely for sales and embrace a more genuine and relationship-oriented approach. It is time to shift our focus back to the SOCIAL part of social media – networking and building meaningful connections as part of a well-rounded marketing strategy.

The Pitfalls of Overemphasizing Sales on Social Media

While sales-driven tactics have their place, relying solely on a sales-focused approach can lead to several pitfalls. How many of you have received a DM or email that goes something like this:

Or how about:

“Hi @businessusername, Are you interested in growing your Instagram? Do you need views, followers or likes??...”

If you’re sending messages like this, STOP. Bombarding followers or contacts with constant sales messages will only overwhelm and annoy them. Excessive promotion erodes trust and credibility, as your contacts may perceive you as solely interested in their money rather than providing value. An exclusively sales-centric approach neglects the potential for building deeper connections and may hinder the development of meaningful, long-term customer relationships.

Authentic Social Engagement is all about Rapport

Are we truly building genuine connections on social media? Instead of bombarding our followers or contacts with sales pitches, let's focus on meaningful interactions and fostering trust. Are we taking the time to establish rapport without an agenda? By shifting our focus from sales to honest, social engagement, we can cultivate authentic interactions. Providing valuable and relevant content, sharing industry insights, and fostering discussions will position both ourselves and our brands as thought leaders. This approach encourages active participation, sharing of experiences, and the development of mutually beneficial networks.

Balancing Social Engagement with Sales Objectives

It’s called SOCIAL media for a reason. The goal here is not to eliminate sales entirely, but to integrate social engagement strategies into our overall approach. After all, social media engagement is the digital form of relationship-building—the first two steps in the sales cycle. Before closing a deal, converting a lead, or forming a partnership, trust must be established. This starts with a genuine interest in our network of potential collaborators, clients, and consumers.

Balancing Sales and Social Engagement

In a world inundated with sales-driven social media marketing, it is crucial to recognize the need for a more balanced approach. Prioritizing authentic social engagement allows us to build lasting relationships, foster trust, and cultivate a loyal network of potential clients. By taking a break from excessive sales-focused strategies, we can harness the original intent of social media to create meaningful connections.

We discuss topics like this & more in our FREE Business Exchange Wednesday’s @ 10am EST.


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